Friday, 16 March 2012


Although there have been an uncountless amount of days in TY that I always say 'Oh that was the best day', but this was by far in the top three! We began the day a bit nervous, we arrived to a couple of groups of five or so who had been training and well, lets face it they were very fit. We started the course and Oh the fun began! From extreme muck, underground tunnels, ropes, nets, climbing, rivers the list is endless. I have never been so bruised in my life! The funniest moment had to have been when we were on a bar about three metres above the ground and I fell off it. I didn't even realise I was on the ground I was so numb from the cold water. And the army man said I won the award for the muckiest person! It was the most amazing day ever! Tiring, Mucky but unbelievable!

Over and Out :D

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