Tuesday, 27 September 2011

I'm travelling around the world... from the computer room :(


Well as one of our many projects we are doing a geography Project. So basically we get in groups, pick six countries ( 2 first worlds, 2 second worlds and 2 third worlds). So me and my geography buddy are going to Columbia, Egypt, Japan, Mexico, Switzerland and Zambia. It shall be epic! We are going to pick the randomest things to do in these countries... We gunna go Craaazaaay! The project is a bit hard but I am loving it... Fom diving with sharks in Zambia to eating sushi on mount Fuji - It will be a trip to remember.

Until next time,


Sunday, 25 September 2011

Rebecca Black... Change it to Monday :)

It has been a great weekend... Lots of socializing with my fellow TYs! To be honest I am kind of looking foward to getting back to school. I love having some fun with all our TYs. This week should be good lots of projects due and the young scientist is putting the skates on... If I here anything about a one-page proposal again I may burst... burst with scientific knowledge of course :P We are going to a mini company thingy in Naas too. For our Irish project me and my group are going to TG4 hopefully this week...

Its busy but brilliant - My TY motto

Enjoy your week guys! :)

PS don't you think it is getting dark so early?? :O Shockaa!


Tuesday, 20 September 2011

Recovering.. slowly but surely :)

Well this week I have decided to read some people's blogs... LIKE WOW! Some people have so many done and some people's are so funny... Making my works of art look bad... :( So far I am loving TY, lots of projects, but loving it!. Bada bababa Im lovin' it ;) I also realised who the loud class is this week... Definitely Banba, I love my class though! Still recovering from JC night and its my birthday today so thats a few hours less sleep ! I am sorry if I look like a zombie walking the corridors. Well I am off for a nap now... Maybe Mrs L won't notice!

Bon Nuit!

Thursday, 15 September 2011

Results :)


Well, its official the Juior Cert is officially over. After a tired two days in Carlingford, Wednesday morning came with a bang. Classes creeped slowly by while we pulled in all the sympathy we could from teachers in order to get a doss class... SUCCESS! Finally we were called down to the school hall and nerves and excitement were high. As envelopes were handed out there were screams of delight from most people! It was time for the celebrations! A night in Time nightclub = AMAZING! Everybody had an amazing time ;) We danced like crazy people all night!
The last few days have been so good that I am sad that they are all over. :)

This week could not get any better!

Bye :)

Carlingford :O

Well carlingford was absolutely amazing! It was quite possibly the best two days ever.. despite the early mornings and severe lack of sleep! We arrived on Monday and went to a challenge course and then did laser shooting in the forest! The laser was everybody's favourite. We dressed up in army costumes and may have put muck on our faces to blend in... yes we are civilised young women! :P Then we did Nightkine in the forest which was going through a forest (very windy) blindfolded and having to make our way through by talking to the people around us... It was sacry but very funny. That night we went through an underground tunnel too :) When we arrived back to the centre after too many walks up avery steep hill to the forest we had some dinner (Yumm....) and were delighted to meet the boys school from Drogheda... An epic night of rapping, fire shows, spine-tingling singing, craic and of course some talking to the boys! the night was not over at 11.30 when we went to bed though... Lots of food, magazines, giddiness and the beginning of what has become a very famous dance...

the following morning with sleepy faces and aching bones we set off orienteering. We literally crawled up mountains through puddles, bushes and sheep until we finally reached back for lunch. After lunch it was back up to the forest to do rock climbing and absailing! A great two days!

Best Activity: Laser
Best Song: Shannon and I's Stay awake by example
Best Dance: Our dance that became very famous
Best Team: 2
Best Surprise: Boy's School
Best Game: Hiding in the Bushes in a mountain
Best Weekend: Definitely!!!

Bye :)

Thursday, 8 September 2011

I do feel socially developed! :O

Yesterday class Eriú took part in a social development day with Austin. It was really fun. First we told wmbarassing stories about eachother to the class... Lets say that some where more embarassing that others. We then played games to find out what kind of person we were : Directors, Entertainers, Mediators and Organisers. To my surprise the results were pretty accurate! We did debates then and learned how to do a proper handshake. We all really enjoyed the day. We also learned a karate move that we were told would cheer us up on a bad day... so sorry if any TYs hit you walking down the corridors doing karate!
Another good day of TY :)

Thursday, 1 September 2011

Thursdays are so fun! :)

So far TY has been great! But today was the highlight so far. In the afternoon we had a pilates class... which was less relaxing than we had thought, more hard work! It was so fun though... Then we went to our 1920s dance class which was such good fun. We learned how to do the Charleston dance and everybody got so into it... probably making fools of ourselves until we saw that we had a small audience at the library door.... Well that was embarassing. And to end the day nicely we headed off to our Photography class with Rob who takes the most Amazing pictures! Overall a great day, probably one of many this year! :)